Saturday 25 September 2010

The New Leader


So now we are seeing a promotional video. Lots of clapping. Like they hadn't lost (or is that cruel?)

Ray Collins started it all off. Ray is the General Secretary of the Labour Party,but many moons ago I worked with Ray. How he has progressed! He introduces Gordon Brown.


Gordon is greeted like a conquering hero. Surely some mistake? Though I have to give it to him;a good speech. A real passion And even jokes! I liked his comment that he was " old in memory, but still young in hope ".

4. 30

Harriet Harman speaks. Begins with a joke.but everyone is waiting for the result.


Ann Black on stage with the result. We go through all the preferences. It's killing.

It is Ed.

Ed is a star. And ever since I predicted in a Blog some 2 years back that he was a potential future
leader I have been looking at his career. He was the very first Third Sector Minister and brought a real pizaz to the post. So we shall see how he does as the new Labour leader. I wish him well.

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