The Times today ran a story attacking excessive chief
executive pay. This is not the first time such attacks have been made.
As on so many occasions, such stories are unjustified. Yes, over 1,000
charity chief executives earn six-figure salaries. Yes, this is a significant
sum of money. But there is more to pay than the simple figure. It is about
value for money.
People understand that £50k spent on a chief executive is
£50k wasted if they fail to deliver. Equally, investing £150k in a chief
executive who pushes your charity to fulfill its aims is a sound investment. If
a chief executive is worth the money, then they should be paid that.
What the Times don’t understand is that this is about
value for money. Chief executives doing a good job are worth their salary. If
not, then that is a matter for the trustees and supporters of that charity.
This is the reality which we ignore at our peril. At this
time of year, many vulnerable people are depending on charities. Those
charities doing the most to help will appropriately pay their staff. This is
something which the Times would do well to note.
And wouldn’t it be nice if for once we had some defence
from Mr Shawcross when charities are attacked. It is time the Charity
Commission stood up for a professional modern sector.
And to those who say that charity chief executives don’t
perform well enough to earn their salaries, I leave you with this quote from
one Warren Buffet:
"The nature of the problems that a foundation tackles is exactly the opposite of business. In business, you look for easy things, very good businesses that don't have very many problems and that almost run themselves... In the philanthropic world you're looking at the toughest problems that exist. The reason why they are important problems is that they've resisted the intellect and the money being thrown at them over the years and they haven't been solved. You have to expect a lower batting average in tackling the problems of philanthropy than in tackling the problems of business"