Tuesday 9 November 2010

Official; ACEVO sector's top lobbyist!

Great to be back. Even greater to get an email confirming ACEVO's status as the best lobbyist in the sector. And indeed up there with the CBI and TUC. Where, of course, we should be!

A new website called "Who's Lobbying” (click here) has been set up to show lobbying trends in the UK, and was linked by The Guardian on Twitter this morning. The site opens with an analysis of who is meeting with Ministers.

It shows that the top five organisations with the most meetings are:-


We come in at number four. But what's amazing is that ACEVO have a fraction of the resource of these guys. We have an infinitesimally smaller staff group and much less money. Yet we compete on the strength of our top team and our ability to be up there with solutions to problems. Governments want to talk to a CEO body that comes with ideas and answers. Not whinges.

I have to say it made me very proud of my staff and my great policy and strategy team. Forgive the gloating, but if a CEO can't do that.....

What a great start to a week when we have our annual National Conference. Conference dinner tomorrow. Conference Thursday. My speech is already done! Read it Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Off the topic, but you should read this guy on the topic of the VCS and welfare to work.