Well , that was alright then; its official, I shall survive a while yet! But whilst in Charlbury I did pop into the cemetery. It's a beautiful quiet spot looking out towards the Wychwood Forest and the autumn colours were remarkable in the glorious sun yesterday. My plot is already purchased. Important to forward plan and you never know if some Government will try and force us all to be burnt!
And talking of dying (not) have you made your will? If not why don't you take advantage of the charity will service that takes place in November. It's a great scheme. A range of excellent socially minded lawyers offer a simple will service and you pay a small amount which goes to charity.
Click here for the details.
Charlbury was looking particularly gorgeous and, as I had a good check up, I popped into one of my favourite local pubs, the Bull, for lunch. A splendid Bull special brew and soup. Just what the Doctor ordered (not ).
See how lovely it all looks in David Cameron's Constituency.

A stunning cast: Roy Hudd, Maureen Lipman, Sam Kelly, Susie Blake (from Corrie), Lynda Baron...
And as this was press night the audience was a cast list in itself, just to mention Juliet Mills, Tony Benn and, my favourite, June Whitfield from Absolutely Fabulous!
Here she is;

And finally here is Leila with her mother, J B Priestley's daughter, and me.

And I also met Uncle Tom!
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