Thursday 28 November 2013

Movember ending...fags off

Of course I do have a rather personal interest in "Movember"! It was heartening to see how many MPs at PMQ yesterday were sporting Mos. And in our own sector notables among those growing Mos are Rob Owen of the St Giles Trust and David Fielding our head hunter friend. I've donated to David's giving page. You can see the result here

Having had prostate cancer I think I can be let off actually growing one (it would look awful) but I do think Sir Stuart needs encouragement to join in next year. Perhaps all the umbrella heads ( excluding Caron obviously) should , so come on Joe and year? I’ll sponsor you too.

I shall be seeing the non moustached Sir S shortly- we are going to a meeting of the Commission on Civil Society with the Charity Commission and the Electoral Commission to discuss the future of the Lobbying Bill. The next report of the Commission will be out soon with recommendations for changes to the Bill following the ACEVO inspired " pause". Let's hope the Government, who seem in u-turn mode, will listen. I'm hopeful we can secure meaningful change; the Commission work on this has been tremendous. Good work by Bishop Harries.

And congratulations to Jeremy Hunt and his health team on persisting with the arguments on plain cigarette packaging. Looks like its going to happen. So it should. We can't afford to loose any battles in the fight against cancer.

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