Thursday 28 June 2012

We want our money back.....

A rather splendid lunch at the National Portrait Gallery ( keeping money in our own dear third sector !) with the Home Affairs Editor of the Sunday Times. An old friend, Nick Hellen is a talented and dogged reporter , always on the look out for a good story!! But one that also shapes the news as well as reporting it. Not sure if I obliged as Nick likes a whiff of trouble and I'm just deeply respectable.....and I went from lunch to the Social Investment Business for our Board meeting followed by an informal dinner to talk strategy.

Fun to catch up over turbot with my Vice Chair , Harriet Baldwin MP , a rising star on the Tory back benches and my tip for top office when David gets round to a Reshuffle. You can even gets odds on her at Ladbrokes for Party Leader she tells me ( though advising me not to bother with a bet!).

We need much more focus on the scandal of the government trying to hand over underspend on the Olympics to the Treasury rather than as promised , back to the lottery good causes funds. But we also need to highlight and condemn other politicians like the shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, who urged the government to use the £500m underspend from the Olympics to cover the cost of scrapping a 3p increase in fuel duty.
There is a clear need for a major campaign to get this money back to the good causes fund from whence it was stolen.

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