And tonight we have a dinner between the ncvo and ACEVO Boards. A first. But not the last ! We have got CCLA , the financial advisors and investors for our sector to host what will be an interesting event. I shall bring you the gossip tomorrow!
Then Wednesday is the ACEVO annual dinner( at the Royal College of Physicians- a member)and the ACEVO National conference on Thursday. A magnificent range of speakers. A number of members have said to me ; why have you asked the CEO of RBS , Stephen Hester. I think we need a constructive dialogue with our financial sector but I also believe we should use this opportunity to raise issues like one of my favourites; the gross irresponsibility of bonuses.
We will be putting questions from members to him. So let me know what you want us to ask him.
And it was good to have a relaxing weekend to prepare for the week. What glorious weather we had . Charlbury was in fine fettle for Remembrance Sunday. See the photos here.

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