And a rather pleasant birthday lunch with my 3 nephews- all conveniently up the road at Oxford ( Hertford, Keble and Brasenose (to be precise). The afternoon was comatose in front of the fire!

And it seems our ACEVO CEO support service continues to break records. Since I blogged on Thursday Jenny has had 2 further calls from CEO's in crisis. This is not going to get any better I suspect. I don't feel any sympathy for the " exhausted " Boss of Lloyds ( especially as the tales of how he drove his staff are legendary ). He was paid mega millions after all. But the job at the top can often be stressful and traumatic. It's why we argue in ACEVO that " it's lonely at the top" and why we devote time and resource to support for our CEO members. We are their " union", ensuring they can lead their organisations effectively.
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