Tuesday 15 April 2014

Postcard from Singapore and speculation on the Charity Commission.

Well, I'm home. And back in work, but on the way we had a rather splendid weekend in Singapore. Tiffin at the Raffles Hotel and Palm Sunday Mass in St Andrew's Cathedral, and shopping, obviously. My great uncle Wilfred (Squadron Leader Barrow as was) was here after the war and I have some of his photos but the place is unrecognisable having been colonised by motorways and skyscrapers. Not all progress is good.

Today will be interesting; a call from the Chair if the Charity Commission to let me know who they have appointed as CEO. This will be a crucial appointment and the new person needs to take the Commission on a new journey; less money and resources and more scrutiny around fraud and tax dodging. But whoever it is will need to remember one of the statutory functions of the Commission is to maintain trust in charity. It is not all about being the Stasi and support to organisations like ACEVO to build capacity and good governance will be an important part of the job.  Maundy Thursday I'm booked to speak to them; but I have as yet no idea who it is. Not a scintilla of gossip has reached ACEVO towers! I will wish them well and we will work with the new CEO and Chair in the years ahead.

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