Monday, 28 October 2013

Wind and tweed.

At my brother's house in Richmond on Saturday evening and much complaining about how serious the Blog has got. Hardly surprising when the Telegraph started serialising extracts from it over August I said, particularly the unkind suggestion it’s “Pooterish" (you have to be old to get the reference; I did the book for O levels)!

 My nephew Alexander was celebrating his birthday and imminent departure for a teaching post in Sweden.

I recently spent a weekend in Lincoln, partly to visit the tombs of my 18th and 19th great grandmothers (Joan Beaufort and Katherine Swynford) in Lincoln Cathedral. The streets there still have a high proportion of independent shops and I spent a happy few hours buying local cheeses and market produce. But my top purchase was a Magee tweed jacket from the antique clothing store. Much sought after I was told! And indeed family were so admiring of the jacket on Saturday I bought another one that I spotted on the Herne Hill Sunday street market. This was a Brook Taverner, apparently the bee’s knees in tweed jackets. And as the weather was particularly autumnal today I wore it into the office. Tweed highly suitable for windy weather I thought. And let's not forget the Harris tweed flat cap that sets it all off; makes a change from a grey suit surely though I'm not turning up at No 10 like this.

 I even arrived bearing gifts for staff who had battled in; grapes from my vine at the cottage in Charlbury. Not exactly mammoth sized but highly tasty.

By the end of today I will have appointed my new Director of Policy.  Blog announcement expected soon...

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