Tuesday 17 July 2012

Employing staff!

Can be a joy. It's also sometimes fraught. It's not often I write on HR stuff- even though I was once an HR Director ( I'm sure it shows! ). But I know staff leadership is one of the core roles for a CEO and as I prepare for my own staff awayday ( I've been told to listen and not speak but there will be no video evidence of this bizarre phenomenon! ) I'm thinking HR!

The third sector is lucky to be able to attract highly talented and committed individuals. Over my time at ACEVO I've seen the interest in a career in our sector grow. Where once, in the 90s bright graduates all seemed to gravitate to the dens of iniquity in the City , they now look to charities and social enterprises.

And as the sector has grown in size so has our work force. Politicians sometimes forget we employ large numbers of staff. The Third Sector Research Centre estimates 1.1 million!

The cost of support services for our organisations is something ACEVO CEOs have been having to review.

So one of the new services we have been developing is on employment. Thanks to an invaluable corporate partner we have been able to develop this as a free service.

Ellis Whittam, are well known HR specialists and are now a strategic partner for ACEVO, which means more free support for members including:
- Guides on things like; redundancies, remuneration, maternity/paternity leave, the dreaded health and safety policy (worth £300)

-Members can also access free 1 on 1 personalised advice session over the phone

My guess is many CEOs will have been too focussed on funding and other major challenges to have thought ahead to staffing issues through the Olympics.

A very good time then for ACEVO members to pick up the phone and try out the helpline for free advice on staffing issues ahead of the games!

You can find out more at http://www.acevo.org.uk/elliswhittam

And it goes without saying if you are a third sector CEO and not in acevo; then you should be!

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