Tuesday 24 July 2012

A brightened mood!

The sun certainly lifts the spirits, if not exactly inducive to pleasant London travel!

Charlbury was bliss at the weekend and here are some delicious photos to prove it!

The imminent Olympics are certainly making their presence felt in London but its worth making the link between the wellbeing index launched today and non monetary benefits and impact. It's worth having a look at the measuring National Wellbeing programme. It didn't get much publicity but the dear Guardian have reported it well.

And whilst on wellbeing if you like Blogs ( and who doesn't) my Policy Director Ralph Michel is now blogging for third sector. Worth reading his first one http://guest.thirdsector.co.uk/2012/07/24/the-hysteria-over-paying-trustees/ Although he doesn't have a dog , live in Charlbury or is as amusing as his Boss , still worth reading for its erudition !

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