Thursday 22 March 2012

Oldie and Charity anger!

Still limping after shovelling shock horror but Budget shock raid on charitable donations has been reverberating.

What on earth were the Treasury thinking when they made the very sensible decision to cap tax allowances for the very rich but did not exempt gift aid and other charity donations from the cap? Whichever mandarin responsible needs to be taken out and spanked.

So that's a nice torpedo from George to his neighbour at No 10 for his Giving Summit on May 8th. Better cancel that now unless this gets sorted. I had a number of calls from members who have a strong bunch of donors who will potentially be hit.

This is not clever. Sort it government. Nick Hurd- your country needs you now.

And wouldn't it have been good if George had coupled his generosity to the top rate tax payers with a plea for them to give more?

Then we turn to the over 65s. I admit as I draw nearer to that magic age my ears prick up when I hear of changes to the tax regime for oldies. This again was just a tad short of genius. " Simplification" indeed! The magnificent Ros Altman of Saga was on sparking form as she denounced the patronising and insulting way this was handled. Obviously the HMT communications team had gone home when this gem was discussed. So members in our age related charities, like the great Age UK are angry.

Though credit where it's due to George on the so called triple lock- as he said on Today.

The real problems that face our members day to day when they try to cope with rising demand from their beneficiaries against the background of closing services remain. Youth unemployment continues to rise. The pressure for action to tackle this must increase.

Sir Stephen Bubb

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