Monday 1 July 2013

Hospitals and Charities Partnership

So, as I previewed, we have our launch today in the Commons.
I have thought for some time that hospitals, charities and social enterprises could do more together. For example, as I will say at the Launch later, Simon Antrobus of Addaction told us that they are doing work in a hospital where they discovered that just 5 people with addictions had been responsible for 95 admissions in one year. And given the operation of the tariff arrangements in hospitals extra unplanned admissions are not paid for at the full rate so hospitals loose out.

This new major report from the Foundation Trust Network and ACEVO and written and researched by the Kings Fund, has found new services, delivering major improvements in care for patient, and driven by providers, are growing.

The report "Working Together to Deliver the Mandate: Strengthening partnerships between the NHS and the voluntary sector" is launched at 4pm in the House of Commons, by Jeremy Hunt MP. 

The Report shows how Foundation Trusts, NHS Trusts and third sector organisations have pioneered new services for patients that enhance the quality of care, improve the patient experience and are also an efficient use of resources.

Worth repeating what Chris Hopson, the CEO of the Foundation Trust Network said in his press release:

 “We have shown that real benefits for patients and the NHS come from combining and harnessing the expertise and knowledge of the public and voluntary sector providers.  These partnerships are being formed up and down the country providing local designed services that respond to local communities’ needs. 

“We can see that provider experience can drive change and innovation.  It takes committed and strategic leadership across partners.  The examples in today’s report show how providers are offering commissioners innovations in health and social care delivery that improve the care and experience of patients.  Support from commissioners and system leaders to remove barriers and encourage partnerships will pay real dividends in delivering the Mandate and better services. “

 So, frankly, given the challenges hospitals face I'm surprised they haven’t been using charities and social enterprises more. Our joint report shows that impressive results can be achieved through effective partnership working between the voluntary sector and hospitals. These partnerships can deliver more responsive, better-designed services by making use of the sector's high level of expertise and close connections with beneficiaries and communities.

Commissioners need innovation and want to deliver services that make a real difference to health and well-being. Charities are crucial to that process, but are currently underused. So when you look at the challenges hospitals face - for example in A&E departments or in treating an increasing number of frail elderly patients - it is charities that can help relieve the pressures. Hospitals need to start a dialogue with local and national charities to see what we can do together to cut "bed blocking" and support people to stay healthy and out of hospital.

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