Friday 6 January 2012

Clearing out!

I don't know what it is about the New Year but I always have this desire to tidy up and throw stuff out. I have been having a major clear out in my somewhat untidy office. I tend to keep things for longer than I should so it's always a rather interesting time when I come across old papers or momentoes. Sometimes I can't bear to throw them out so I redistribute to grateful staff and suggest they will be educative!

My extensive collection of photos is expanding around the office. I have a great new crop from Perth CHOGM. And an African wooden Chiefs stick which is a symbol of authority and makes a good gavell for me to hammer on the table when my Directors start getting unruuly at our weekly DG meetings.

But it has also been diary planning. Over the next 3 months I have a major programme of meetings with my ACEVO members. I want to pick up on the challenges our Chief Executives are facing on the ground. It's a good way to celebrate our Silver Jubilee!

And in the New Year spirit here are 2 fun photos from my recent Bubb clan visit in Devon.

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