Thursday 7 July 2011

Central Hall, Whitehall and The Wedding

Up early yesterday to read the Bible. I was looking for a quote on feast and famine to use at my keynote speech to the major Action Planning conference in Westminster Hall. Action Planning are a great organisation and ACEVO have been working with them on events for a decade. They are real sector stars.

I was followed by Francis Maude MP. I was flattered to hear him describe me as the best advocate our sector has. He said what I say sometimes is uncomfortable for Government but is always pragmatic and realistic. That is certainly what I aim to do leading ACEVO. Work with Government when we can promote our common objectives and oppose ( if necessarily publicly). That is sometimes a difficult path to follow. Gobby in the press one minute. Inside government the next. But leadership is complex. It involves compromise and judgment. Perhaps at times I get that wrong. Clearly at other times I get it right or I wouldn't have had a commission from the PM on health choice and competition. The bottom line is you follow your instinct and conviction.

So it was today when I was due to fly off to Edinburgh. On leave. My partner and I are off to the Sector Wedding of the year. My marvellous Director of strategy Seb Elsworth is marrying Lucy Stephens in the Borders on Saturday. I am leading the team ACEVO attendance at this important occasion. And The Blog will carry the official photographs in the manner of Hello Magazine.

But I have had to delay my flight as I've been asked in to somewhere in Whitehall to talk about public service reform. It's a matter of huge importance for the third sector and I am strongly backing the Government's aim to give more power to citizens and communities. We are expecting a White Paper on this sometime soon. I hope it will be bold.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing you experience with us. :)

Theme Wedding

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