Saturday 23 January 2010


We want it! And ACEVO has even published a book on it; our country's third sector makes a huge contribution to the well being of our country. And in case you think I have got all sloppy and hippy like, let's remember that the American Constitution seeks to guarantee life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness .

I guess we are all to serious to think that one of the missions of our organisations is happiness, and I doubt it appears in many strategic plans. Anyway the dynamic Young Foundation has published a new Report on this.

The State of Happiness: Can public policy shape people’s wellbeing and resilience?

It is produced as a result of The Local Wellbeing Project ; a unique initiative designed to explore practical initiatives that improve the wellbeing and resilience of individuals and communities. It brings together the Young Foundation with three leading local authorities, Richard Layard from the London School of Economics, and the Improvement and Development Agency for local government (IDeA).

The publication draws on the experiences of the Local Wellbeing Project as well as other national and international developments in this field, and explores the implications for policy of the growing body of knowledge on wellbeing.

The report can be downloaded here free of charge.

For CEOs enabling a sense of fun at work must be one of our objectives! I hope you would find that at ACEVO!

And another HAPPY story. Get hold of a book Leaving Microsoft to Change the World.

John Wood left Microsoft and founded Room to Read after a trek through Nepal where he saw various schools and the paucity of books for the kids. They have reached 10 million kids. In 2008 they established a library every four hours and distributed a book every three minutes. So how about that for IMPACT all you bean counters!

Click here to read more.

And finally, happiness is Obama's firm action to curb the Banks greed and arrogance. Let's hope we will now follow his Lead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And you could read The Happiness Centred Business by Paddi Lund: