Wednesday 4 March 2009

Recession Support

Today we launch our Recession Support Website.

Go to and see.

We have developed this new website as a tool for the whole sector. We decided that in troubled times we have to pull together . So whilst we could have just done this for our own members we thought we should make this as widely used as possible . So this website will have links with other sites . Inside the sector we will flag key items from NAVCA , NCVO and the Social Enterprise Coalition, for example . And we will link with Government Departments . James Purnell has agreed to support the site with information and advice as have BERR. Peter Mandelson is doing us a film clip to be used.We have videos of messages from members. We will have information from local government as well as news and views. But the key is passing on tips and making tools to support organisations available .

So whether you are a Chief Executive or the Head of Volunteering , the Chair of trustees or the Finance Director you can use the site. And you should.

Its unusual for membership bodies to open up sites in this way . But we felt that it was part of that Chief Executive leadership role , to show the way for others. I am asking my colleagues to do likewise . Show we are joined up . Working together.

But its worth a note that my staff put together what is , I'm sure you will agree , a pretty impressive website in 4 weeks ! Yes , just 4 weeks. it shows both the talent and the dedication of my staff team . And it makes me , as their CEO immeasurably proud . We do not just talk about Recession . We are there to do something about it .


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