Saw an amazing film last night. A searing critique of the way we treat homelessness. And a brilliant reminder both of the damage this does and the fact that homelessness is rising.

The film tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a young runaway and an old Congolese man living rough. This short film has been made to be viewed virally so you can see it. I'd recommend it.
Go to
The photo shows the 2 actors, and the director
And Monday was a an auspicous day for the innovation and creativity organisation NESTA! I had lunch with Geoff Mulgan, the Director and he told me that on that very day they had become a third sector organisation; transferred out of the public sector into the light and freedoms of our marvellous sector. I wish him well. Geoff is a real one man tour de force and I welcome him to that great network that is the leadership of the third sector. He has agreed to have a lunch session with members in the autumn on the drivers for innovation and strategic planning.
Good to get back from the film premier for the news and to see the scenes from Burma and to marvel at the power and determination of Daw Suu Kyi. I'm intending to go to Burma soon. Last time I went I was only able to get a letter to her , through the auspices of the Archbishop of Burma. This time I hope to meet her.
And I've just been contributing to a scheme set up by Bishop John Wilme in Tangoo diocese to raise money to enable the church to purchase a paddy field next to St Johns Hostel, which is used to house 35 children. The paddy field will be used to grow rice and enable the hostel to become self-sufficient. The land will cost about $2000 and St Stephens Church, Pimlico and my mother are helping raise funds for this. And if you feel moved to provide some practical support for the incredibly brave and downtrodden people of Burma let me know!
Sir Stephen Bubb
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