Last night our annual dinner at the Royal College of Physicians (ACEVO member is the CEO Martin Else ) was relaxed and fun , despite the disgust we all felt at the news on youth unemployment. Guy Laurence , the CEO of Vodaphone gave an impassioned speech on text giving which Vodaphone have championed and invested in.

The Conference proved a mega success. An interestoing and reflective contribution from Hester. A charming and persuasive speech from James Caan, the dragons den man, a brilliant talk on governance and tips for chairs and CEOs from Bill Ryan. And a panel of Chairs and CEOs reflecting on their experiences.
I began by warning we now need to plan for recession. . Communities are hurting. With youth Unemployment rising to over a million our job as sector Leaders becomes ever more crucial. As I said " If young Britain is not working, Britain is not working ".

It's a great conference. True, we need to have a plan for a double-dip recession, which may be attributable to the unfair spending cuts. Why could the government spend tens of millions pounds on military actions in Libya and international aid while cut some 500,000 jobs in the public sector? I personally don't think it is justifiable. The Chancellor should cut the pay for the super high earners in the public sector by 20-30% and use that amount of money to employ more people at lower levels. This will stimulate internal demand for goods and services and hence the business sector to create even more jobs. I'm also a victim in this wave of unemployment. That amount of money may also be used to support the third sector to provide more public services for better value of taxpayers' money and to create jobs. What do you think?
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