Monday 24 March 2014

Oxford, the Lister and...

A big family occasion at the weekend; my nephew Alexander getting married. The ceremony was in the Chapel at Wadham College, then lunch at Exeter College, finishing with Indian dancing in Oxford Town Hall. No, I did not partake of the dancing

I read a lesson at the wedding- a favourite piece from T S Eliot, the last section of the final part of the four quartets (Little Gidding).

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time"

But as this marks a beginning I was also reminded of the end (Eliot’s poem is centred on the notion of “in my beginning is my end”) as rather sadly I had to visit my great Aunt in the Lister hospital in Stevenage. She is 101 and taken into hospital on Friday with an infection. But I have to say when I visited she was showing signs that premature expectations of end of life may be confounded. She has a strong and determined spirit. I was also much impressed with the care being given by the doctor and nursing team there.  You hear and read many stories of poor care for the elderly but no signs here. Rather the opposite. 101 is a fine age.

And finally, you might be amused by the following piece from "Civil Society".

 “The culture of celebrity comes to Regent’s Wharf

Congratulations to Leeanne Graham, personal assistant to Sir Stephen Bubb, chief executive of Acevo, who has joined the board of the Association of Celebrity Assistants, a not-for-profit membership organisation for, well, people who assist celebrities.

Congratulations to Sir Stephen, too. Any lingering doubt about your own celebrity has now been expunged."

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