Then a mad dash back to a meeting at OCS of the strategic partners, arriving there late too. And to complete the pattern of the day got to the launch of "Locality " at the House of Lords late too. But not too late for drinks so all not totaly lost. Good to see Steve Wyler in his element as the new CEO of the merged body. Steve is a good ACEVO member and strong leader. He understands the value of small and large bodies , in community and national organisations working together rather than playing that crude and unhelpful " small is beautiful " card. Our 2 management teams are getting together soon.
And another ACEVO member, Clare Gilhooly, CEO of Cambrdige House was there cooing about her great triumph in refurbishing her premises, which is a magnificent " settlement" in South London which now provides a thriving and energetic community hub. Sounded so good I thought we might be having an ACEVO event there ( and she said I could bring my own wine! ).

Steve Wyler and Clare Gilhooly
Driven by the cuts, but not just by that, lots of members have been flagging up the need for support in agreeing new strategic priorities, considering mergers and acquisitions or how to go about downsizing. So an important task for ACEVO is providing support to members in that process. Crucial to success is a talented and dynamic top team. It goes without saying you need a brilliant CEO and a good Chair is pretty helpful too! So I'm a fan of search. It got me to ACEVO. It got me my top class Deputy !
I’m really pleased that we have been able to agree a long-term strategic recruitment partnership with attenti.
We will be working closely with them to help shape and deliver a range of cost effective advisory, consultancy and recruitment services. That great headhunter extrodinaire David Fielding now leads the practice at attenti. Sharp readers of the Blog know he has worked with me and many of our members over the past decade. He is brilliant and trusted by many. He even gets regular mentions by Sir Robin Bogg.
I’m also looking forward to working with attenti’s Chairman, James Cann (not the actor but the media and business guru). James will speak at the ACEVO annual Chief Executive conference on driving innovation.
Here is the link to the attenti website http://www.attenti.co.uk/
Now off to Manchester for an ACEVO learning with leaders lunch, part of our ACEVO north leadership series. Let's hope the wretched trains manage to work properly today!
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