Once upon a time I went on. A Duke of Edinburgh leadership programme. This was in the last century. And there I met one John Oliver, a Civil Servant, but none the worst for that. Now he works for the wonderful James Purnell; his PPS no less. And yesterday he sends me a photo of said wonderful man waving bag. And what looks like a stalker in the background. Oh yes he has identified stalker as me
It is the ""Women Like Us Reception on 25 June 2008.
So I have 2 photos from that reception - one with me and the former Secretary of State, John Hutton, lurking in background and one of the current SoS with me lurking with intent!
I'm off to Bournemouth for the Local Government Conference. Cameron speaking this morning. Hazel blears later (she has invited me for drinks - so shall be asking what she is doing on the long delayed Community Anchors Fund!)
And then dinner with the benighted denizens of local government.. Don't I have all the fun. Will remind me of the old days when I used to negotiate their pay! Now they all earn small fortunes and run less services I fear municipal plonk awaits.
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